Home Maintenance Checklist – 22 Things You Should Be Doing!

Brought to you by your Buffalo Home Inspector – Home Maintenance Checklist, 22 things you should be doing and a great place to start learning about your home!

1. Have the HVAC System Serviced Regularly.

You should have your HVAC system serviced at least once a year to keep it running at peak performance. Definitely a great place to start on your home maintenance checklist. Routine maintenance ensures your unit will provide for you and your family for years to come! Unlike your significant other you want this running hot AND cold…

2. Check Your HVAC Filters

Your HVAC filters are an important part of helping your heating and cooling systems function at their peak by preventing dust and debris from getting in and clogging things up. It is a good idea to change the filter every 6 months or more frequently for high traffic homes, homes with pets, post home renovation, etc… Clogged filters reduce airflow and put unwanted stress on your HVAC system. Reduce stress and breath easy!

3. Insulate Water Heater and Pipes.

Insulating your water heater and hot water pipes will help to cut down on energy costs all year round. By insulating your water heater you’ll reduce the number of times it has to heat your water to the preset temperature. This is also the perfect time to really get to know your pipes! And their connections! To other pipes… It’s all connected.

4. Flush Your Water Heater.

Because sediment can build up in your water heater and shorten its life, it is important to flush it regularly. Sediment can also be the reason your water heater is so noisy, with all the popping and clanging! This is a DIY project that just requires a few simple steps… and maybe YouTube. And a hose!

5. Make Sure You Know Where Utility Shut-Offs Are Located.

In the case of an emergency, you may need to know how to turn off the water, gas or electric supply to your house. It is a good idea to know where those shut-offs are located and how they work. If you’ve had a home inspection those locations should be part of the report! If you’re looking for them on your own, start at the entrance of your home for each utility and work inward until you locate it.

6. Touch Up Exterior Paint.

Your exterior paint does not simply keep up your home’s curb appeal. It also acts as a moisture barrier. If you notice peeling or chipping in your exterior paint, give it a touch up as soon as possible. You may also consider pressure washing your home prior to painting. FUN!!

7. Clean Your Gutters.

Your gutters help to collect and direct water away from your home. This is one more step in keeping your home moisture-free. This is also a great time to check for loose or damaged sections! Please be careful on that ladder!! Use the buddy system… that’s where you provide the ladder and your buddy provides the labor.

8. Seal Your Driveway.

As the ground expands and contracts with the freezing and thawing of the seasons, so too does your pavement. Cracks in your driveway will give weeds an opportunity to take root and destroy your pavement. Sealing the driveway will stop weeds before they start. Or… Stop them dead in their cracks…

9. Extend Your Downspout(s).

Your downspout is a part of your gutter system. It helps to direct water away from your house. If it is not long enough to get water away from your house, then it is useless. It should divert water a minimum of 6FT from your foundation. Make sure your spout goes down and out!

10. Reseal Your Deck.

Your deck should serve you for a long time. In order to make that happen you should check the sealant to make sure moisture does not get into the wood. If the sealant is not doing its job, then you should reseal your deck. If you don’t have a deck, relax and sit this one out… on a friend’s deck perhaps!

11. Caulk Your Windows and Doors.

Caulking around your windows and doors can help cut down on heating and cooling bills by preventing air leaks. This will also help deter water penetration in commonly troublesome areas. If you’re not sure what to do, give me a shout and we can caulk about it…

12. Check Your Weather Stripping.

Making sure that you have adequate weather stripping around windows and doors is just as important as maintaining the caulk for keeping utility bills in check!

13. Visit Your Attic.

Visiting your attic from time to time can ensure that everything is functioning as it should up there. It is better to find out about leaks sooner rather than later. Turn off the lights and make sure you can see light from any venting to the outside. If your attic is particularly nice, I suggest packing some snacks and making it a family outing.

14. Check Your Crawl Space for Moisture.

Moisture in your crawlspace can turn into moisture in other parts of your home. Standing water in your crawl space can be hazardous as there are typically electrical circuits in there as well! Call a professional if you see any standing water!! Moisture in your home only causes trouble like mold and deterioration. Unfortunately there is a reason they call it a crawl space…

15. Install a Programmable Thermostat.

Heating and cooling your home only when you are there will cut down dramatically on your bills. Having a programmable thermostat will help. Set it and forget it!

16. Check the Bathroom Caulk.

The caulk in your bathroom helps to create a watertight seal. You should find it around fixtures like the bathtub, sink and toilet. Maintaining it will prevent water damage and potentially costly repairs.

17. Clean Your Garbage Disposal.

Food and debris get stuck in your disposal with regular use. As that food begins to decay it can cause an unpleasant aroma. Cleaning it will help to eliminate the stink. No more stink in the sink!!

18. Clean Your Refrigerator Coils.

Cleaning your refrigerator’s coils will keep it running more efficiently and can extend its life. Just a quick vacuuming and it’ll be running circles around your dishwasher.

19. Clean Your Dryer Vent.

Lint can clog up your dryer vent and prevent it from expelling warm, moist air properly. To keep things running smoothly, it is important to clean your dryer vent. All the way through… end to end… Lint is the enemy!

20. Check Your Smoke/CO Detectors.

Smoke/CO detectors are your first line of defense in dealing with a fire and carbon monoxide emergencies. If they do not work, your best case scenario is losing your home. Worst case: you could lose your family, too. Make sure that they are well maintained. Lesser known fact, detectors should be replaced every 7 years! No joke here. Get after it!

21. Change the direction of your ceiling fans.

Change the directional rotation of your ceiling fans twice a year to increase energy efficiency, putting less strain on your HVAC systems and more effectively heating or cooling a room. Running a ceiling fan properly in the winter can help you save on your heating bill. You want your ceiling fan to rotate counterclockwise in the summer, pushing cool air down. On most fans, you can change the rotation using the directional switch on the motor—housing. To get the clockwise rotation in winter, just reverse the switch. Time to switch it up!!

22. Test your sump pump.

If your home has a sump pump, you should test it twice a year. Sump pumps typically last about 10 years, and with proper maintenance, could last even longer.
Check the water levels of the sump: if it’s overflowing, the pump is not doing its job properly. Take time to clean and remove any debris surrounding it, making sure it can do its job efficiently. Unplug and plug in your sump pump, is its energy source working properly? Don’t be a chump… TEST YOUR PUMP and potentially save thousands down the line when it comes to water damage and flooding.

Time to take action!

Well there you have it! As with any new routine, the hardest part can be implementing it and staying consistent. WE GET IT… If you’d like to have ENC Inspection Services help get you started, simply schedule a Home Maintenance Inspection, a licensed home inspector will come onsite and walk you through a complete Home Maintenance Inspection. We’ll generate a report, your Home Maintenance Checklist, you can refer to anytime you like to help keep your home safe for you and your family! Use your report throughout the year, as a To Do list, to keep up on things and perform your own annual inspection going forward.

As with any inspection report we generate, we’re always here for  you if you have any questions or just need some clarity on reported findings!

Your Buffalo Home Inspector Home Maintenance Checklist is an essential tool in keeping your home, likely one of the biggest investments of your lifetime, Home Sweet Home!

Scott Minunni  scott.minunni@encinspectionservices.com 716.867.1239

ENC Inspection Services